What is Acupuncture?
Traditional Chinese acupuncture treatment dates back some 5,000 years, making it one of the world’s oldest systems of medicine. The aim of acupuncture treatment is to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit, promoting relaxation and stimulating a person’s own healing power by harmonising their vital energy called Ch’i or Ki. This vital energy travels through the body along pathways called meridians. Each meridian corresponds to one of twelve organs or functions such as the heart, spleen and lungs.
Although named after the organs, the functions of the meridians are much wider and encompass the whole being at the Spirit, Mental/ Emotional and Physical levels. For example, the Heart meridian, on the physical level works on the organ itself, arteries, veins, capillaries etc. On the Mental/Emotional level it works on how you cope in relationships-with yourself and others. The two extremes would be someone who lives in an ‘ivory tower’ and keeps to themselves, afraid to let anyone affect them. The other extreme would be someone who easily gets in to and out of relationships, sometimes even having several at one time! On the Spirit level the Heart Meridian deals with how you cope with Life itself. One extreme is someone who’s in Bliss all the time. The other extreme would be someone in dire straits, maybe even suicidal. Each Meridian has these three aspects and can be treated on those levels by an experienced Acupuncturist.
Wherever there is a block in energy flow, trauma ensues which eventually manifests as disease i.e. not being at ease. This imbalance in a person’s vital energy may manifest itself as a backache, headache, depression or in many other ways. By inserting very fine sterilized Acupuncture needles in specific points, putting it simply, the practitioner summons energy to places most in need and disperses energy from areas where it is congested, thus restoring balance to the whole body.
Apart from my experience of several thousand individual treatment sessions since I became a full time Practitioner of Holistic Medicine in 1988 practicing from Malvern and Worcester, I have specialised in Lifestyle changes, which help my clients develop habits that enhance a return to optimum health. By enabling my clients to make these changes I have found that they often advance to a lifetime of improving Health, Joy and Peace of Mind, which is inspiring to both of us!
Only recently (15th August 2015) did I come across the teachings of the late Dr. John H. Shen, from New York, (born Shanghai 1914 -2000). He became world-famous for his ability to improve the health of his patients. Dr. Shen repeatedly said, “Chinese Medicine is in the life lived”. More specifically, he said, “In Chinese medicine, ten percent is treatment, and ninety percent in the life and how you live it”. He was explaining that the truly successful practice of Chinese medicine comes not just from the application of herbs or acupuncture, but also from attempts to understand patients’ lives, ascertain the cause(s) of their complaints, and help them to achieve lasting change through altering the way they live.” When I read that I was enthralled, because that’s what I’ve been practicing for 27 years, something I developed on my own, because of my previous and ongoing Esoteric and Spiritual studies.
That is why I put such emphasis on giving my patients simple, do-able practices that will enhance their lives, based on my in-depth study of many disciplines since 1975. These practices change their lives, sometimes dramatically. That is why after over 3 decades of practice, I still allow 1 hour for my patients, as it helps me understand their lives more profoundly. Some Acupuncture colleagues only give 30 minutes per session, and that’s after 5 years in practice! I offer a FREE short interview at my clinic in Bransford, Worcestershire, or by phone or Zoom online, to enable you to discuss your particular issues and to meet me. As I am interested in helping you make profound changes to your health and well-being (assuming that that is what you want!), it is useful for you to know that you can work with me congenially.
What can Acupuncture help?
Many people come to Acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition, for example: anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions or ulcers.
Extensive practice and worldwide research has shown Acupuncture’s effectiveness in helping these and many other conditions. The effect of good Acupuncture, however, is to do more than simply cure the symptom. Acupuncture directed at restoring the overall energy balance will deal with the condition, as well, help the patient feel better in a general way. Hence the frequent comment: ‘I’m feeling better in myself’, which refers to such things as increased energy and vitality, greater enjoyment of life, greater confidence, better sleep or a more normal appetite.
Moxibustion, a treatment where a combination of healing herbs, are heated over specific points is also used where necessary, to warm and invigorate the energy.
Acupuncture is widely acknowledged to be one of the most powerful of all systems of Holistic Medicine. In China, they even do open heart surgery with Acupuncture, without General Anesthetic, so the recovery period is dramatically reduced and there are no side effects from the anesthetic. Research by the World Health Organisation has shown that Acupuncture has been clinically proven to work on a wide range of ailments. Please check out their website for further detail. Also please contact Altair if you have questions about your particular problem.
What are your professional standards?
I was a member of the British Acupuncture Council for 27 years until 2014 after which I switched to the Federation of Holistic Therapists, the largest Holistic Practitioner umbrella body in the UK, as they better suited my requirements. Members must have passed exams in Western Medical Science to a standard where problems best dealt with, by or in conjunction with a doctor will be recognised. I am bound by the Federations Code of Ethics, which covers relations with patients, fellow practitioners, and the general public. I am fully covered by insurance for Acupuncture.
The initial consultation takes about two hours and is very important. It takes into account medical history, sleep patterns, diet etc., and the client’s present condition. This information is essential in determining the energetic cause of the problem and the treatment that is required. In Holistic Medicine it is known that the energetic systems precede the physical manifestation of a symptom. This has now been proven by modern science. To quote a prominent Physicist, Emeritus Professor William A Tiller of Stanford University, ‘What we can see with our eyes comprises less than 10% of the Universe. The real power sustaining its architecture is the energy contained in the 90% of the Unseen’.
The initial visit will also include a physical examination. Abdominal, pulse and tongue diagnoses are made.
Over 5,000 years Oriental Medicine has developed eight different ways of diagnosis, which are cross-checked. We use Tongue and Pulses (very different to Western diagnosis. Rather than just take the pulse speed, we have 12 pulses relating to the different organs systems. Each pulse has 28 possible quailites!), as well as colour/hue of the face, sound of the voice, odour, emotion, touch and questioning. This makes it the world’s most sophisticated system of medicine. Most other systems only encompass one or two ways of diagnosis eg touch or questioning etc.
Subsequent sessions take an hour. After an initial discussion of the clients condition the treatment begins.
I endeavour to keep my treatment prices reasonable. I currently charge £60 per hour. For the first session – an in depth 2 hour Oriental Diagnosis it’s £120. The second session is 1.5 hours long and is a check for and clearing of ‘aggressive’ or stressed energies, which can result in serious health issues. Cost is £90. Subsequent sessions are £60. Some newly qualified practitioners charge £45 for half an hour. As I prefer to understand your situation thoroughly by talking things through with you, I still allow an hour per session after 33 years in practice to understand the kernel or depth of your problem. That way your healing progresses so much faster. My Testimonial pages will confirm this fact from many patients. If money is a problem, please contact me, we may be able to do some kind of exchange.
Response to Acupuncture treatment
Every individual is unique, so the response to acupuncture treatment varies from person to person. The age of the patient, the depth of the disease, and how long it has been going on have to be taken into account in assessing how quickly the client will improve. Often clients ask how many sessions they will require. It is impossible to generalise, as even two people with similar complaints may need to come for different periods of time.
In acute conditions, the client is advised to attend weekly. In serious conditions, treatments more often may be required. When the condition stabilises they can come fortnightly, monthly and so on. The whole process is individual and the practitioner and client can together decide on the best course of action.
Clients generally come to realise that they possess the full power to be healthy and happy. It becomes a matter of choice and of personal commitment, since without their co-operation no recovery in the real sense of the word can happen. The relationship between client and practitioner becomes one of guidance and support; the client learns how to be independent and self-reliant and how to maintain a state of well-being throughout one’s life.
Battlefield Acupuncture
It is so-called because it has been successfully used in the US Airforce, Army and Navy. Having trained with Colonel Pickett, a surgeon in the US Air Force, I have seen amazingly quick pain relief in my patients, and so I am very happy to recommend it to those in acute or chronic pain.
The US military has been awarded a 6 million dollar grant to incorporate Battlefield Acupuncture into its entire healthcare system. The military is the largest healthcare provider in the USA and they have seen the unparalleled results Battlefield Acupuncture has brought to its members.
A few videos of Altair’s Battlefield Acupuncture clients
US Forces Battlefield Acupuncture video
In order to gain maximum benefit from treatment the following guidelines are:
- It is best to avoid heavy meals or alcohol on the day of treatment.
- Have a light meal at least one hour before the session.
- Do not take a long hot bath on the day of treatment.
- For the treatment wear loose clothing, preferably cotton.
For more information or to book an appointment please contact me here.
Altair has helped me for many, many years now. I would go to no one else. I have complete faith in his Acupuncture and Shiatsu treatments and go regularly to keep myself in the best possible health. I particularly like Altair’s all-encompassing holistic approach to well-being and rely on his advice and treatment to enable me to lead as healthy a life as possible. On many occasions I have gone to Altair with a lot of pain. I have long standing back, shoulder and neck problems and the relief is immense. His “seasonal “ Acupuncture treatments are so energising and important in this busy, stressful world we live in.
I believe life is for living to the full and in the best possible health you can be and Altair’s treatment enables me to achieve this
Angie Green, SEO, Civil Service, Worcester
I have been seeing Altair for around 8 months where he has been treating me using Acupuncture. These sessions have had a tremendous effect on my well being and I have felt fully supported by Altair through the process. He has also recommended many ways I can improve my lifestyle along with suggesting many fascinating books to read. His approach also deals with the power of the mind and positive thinking. I would recommend Altair to anyone who thinks they need to change their lifestyle and change the way they think. He truly is an inspiration.
Simon Dawes, Entrepreneur, Birtsmorton Court Weddings
“After suffering terribly with headaches for 8 years and taking a plethora or drugs to try to control it, with little or no success, I decided to go down an alternative route.
I had been down and fed up due to 6 or 7 headaches a week and migraines twice a week, I didn’t know what to do with my self.
With some scepticism, I went along to Altair after finding his services on the web, looking for a solution.
I told Altair I was fed up with feeling constant pain and that I had once managed to have a headache for 47 days in a row – pain killers do not work, and neither do preventative drugs such as amitriptyline.
Altair told me straight off, he could help me.
After a few weeks of treatment, I realised my appetite was starting to come back, I could sleep more easily, I felt relaxed and I could actually feel myself starting to smile.
Since starting treatment on 13th April 2011, I have only had one migraine – which was due to me not following Altair’s advice properly! My headaches have also greatly reduced in frequency, now I have at most, one a week.
I am now prescription drug free and a lot less stressed about headaches”.
Daniel Robert Fishenden, Requirements Consultant, Requirements & ITEA
“When I went for my appointment with Altair – a session of acupuncture to help me stop smoking – I told him that I didn’t believe it would work. I started smoking when I was 14 and apart from when I was pregnant, have smoked up to 20 a day ever since – I’m now 52.
I decided to stop smoking in 2003 and thought it would be easy. First I tried will-power but that was hopeless. I went to a hypnotist, but that didn’t work. So began seven years of trying every non-smoking product, theory and practice available: acupuncture, NLP, hypnotherapy, Shen therapy, some weird electrical therapy, patches, gum, mints, tablets (though I stopped short of Champix etc. as the side-effects sounded too alarming). Sometimes I’d get down to one a day – I even stopped for a few weeks once, but I knew I was only ever a puff away from the next one, and sure enough, one puff was all it took to get me back up to 10, 15, 20 a day again.
I’m also ashamed to say that even the fact that my brother – who used to be a heavy smoker – died of lung cancer four years ago didn’t make me stop.
Last week, perhaps as a result of some very stressful changes going on in my life, I realised I was on full-strength nicotine patches AND still smoking 10 a day, sometimes more. I thought I’d give acupuncture another go, though I was sure it would be a waste of time and money – I just felt I had to keep trying. I asked Altair how many sessions it would take. “Just one,” he said, and I laughed.
When the time came for my appointment, I hadn’t thrown away my cigarettes beforehand as Altair suggested – no way! Usually I have whatever therapy, get back home and light up. He said I should have done, but only a committed smoker (or drug addict…) knows the terror and agony of wanting a cigarette and not being able to have one especially in the middle of the night when the shops are shut (“I’d probably walk the streets looking for cigarette butts,” I told Altair).
The session went ahead. When I got home, I was conscious of actually NOT wanting a cigarette. Of course I thought about smoking all day, but each time I expected to want to run to the half-full packet and light up, it didn’t happen – I realised I didn’t need one. Hours went by and apart from once or twice having a hint of wanting one, it only lasted a couple of seconds and then disappeared.
It’s been nearly a week and I still haven’t smoked and still don’t want to – in fact, for the first time in my smoking life, I can honestly say “I am not a smoker and never want to be one again”. It hasn’t just been easy, it’s been amazing, fantastic – a miracle! I feel wonderful already, free of the obsession and control of those vile greedy corporations (and my own demons) which got me addicted in the first place.
I can’t thank Altair enough for helping me achieve this (and for the years of wonderful Shiatsu treatments which help keep me balanced and calm even when my world is spinning out of control).
Thank you, Altair.
With love from Carly”
“My wife has been receiving treatment from Altair Anjilo de Almeida for about two years including Acupuncture & advice regarding Diet, Vitamin Intake and Remedies for a skin condition caused by earlier Steroid injections for pain relief.
The benefits have been quite outstanding for pain relief from Arthritis without any side effects associated with more traditional procedures e.g injections or oral prescriptions
Although she is due to have a hip replacement shortly Acupuncture has helped to alleviate the pain and she will continue this treatment after the operation.
To prove to herself that Acupuncture was effective in providing pain relief she purposely went for two months without treatment only for the pain to return.
Obviously a worn hip joint will never heal itself, so surgery is necessary but up to the point of surgery Acupuncture has certainly provided great relief and considerably helped her well being.
I recommend to anyone suffering from pain in whatever form to seek advice from Altair who has had many years of practical and invaluable experience.”
Roger M. Messenger, Retired civil engineer, Abberley, Worcs
Altair has been simply brilliant helping me with a frozen shoulder and extremely painful stiff neck. From 10/10 in depth of pain he reduced it to 3 in one session using Battlefield Acupuncture. Next session the pain dropped down to an easily manageable 1/10. Since then it has gone. His experience in Holistic Medicine spanning over 40 years is what helped me change my lifestyle and improve my health. I highly recommend Altair for acute or chronic problems.
Akushi Angel, Spiritual Counsellor, Angel Healer
When I was 7 I had a lobe of my left lung removed because of Bronchiectasis- a condition where excess phlegm is continually created, which causes me to continually cough up phlegm. Due to this condition I was more prone to lung and chest infections than most people. My doctor would prescribe antibiotics each time, which resulted in me feeling ‘wiped out, depressed and weepy’ for about a month.
I first saw Altair for Acupuncture in September, several years ago when I had had 7 courses of antibiotics for chest infections, in 7 months. I was in a desperate state. After my Acupuncture treatment I didn’t have another chest infection until February, 6 months later. When I saw my doctor, he said it was just ‘coincidence’ that the bugs didn’t get me, nothing to do with Acupuncture. I know different now. It was because my immune system had been greatly improved through Altair’s treatment and advice. He has helped me immensely to do simple mental and physical exercises that have enabled me to become more confident in myself. My daughter has often remarked how well I cope with stresses, that in the past would have created havoc with my health. Through his advice my diet etc has improved, and I know what to avoid which in the past would have weakened my health. I would highly recommend Altair for his great experience in the health field, and his ability to help people across the board, but especially those like me with serious chronic health problems.
Audrey Bevan, retired sales staff, Worcester