T’ai Chi: The Five Relaxing Movements
The following are the internal exercises that enable our students to understand the T’ai Chi Principles at cellular level.The description and tai chi movements here will not be understood by anyone, except those who have been taught the exercises in class.They were ingeniously designed by Master Huang Shen Shyan and transmitted to me by Master Wee Kee Jin.
Relaxing Tai Chi Movements (1)
Remain upright in all transitions.
When turning have a spiralling intention into the substantial foot.
When squaring to the front, your awareness rebounds from the substantial foot up through the leg, body, arm and into the fingers.
The changes of weight from one foot to the other should happen simultaneously within the movement.
Relaxing Tai Chi Movements (2)
At all times the body remains upright with buttock, abdomen and chin drawn in.
Upward and downward movements should be slow and continuous( 2″ max)
In the upward movement, on the command ‘up’, mental awareness travels from the feet to the hips. 2,3,4-commence the movement. Awareness continues to travel to the top of the head.
In the downward movement,, on the command ‘down’ mental awareness travels down from the head to the hips.2,3,4- commence the physical movement. Awareness continues down from the hips to the ‘bubbling well’ in the feet.
Relaxing Tai Chi Movement (3)
The body is upright and central and there is no movement of the head.
When the left hip is drawn in, it should have a downward intention, the awareness flows through the body into the left foot, feel an increase of grounding in the left foot, simultaneously the right arm should swing up from the shoulder, with the shoulder relaxed, elbows dropped and wrist in line with the nose and at nose height.
When the right hip is drawn in, it should have a downward intention, the awareness flows through the body into the right foot, feel an increase of grounding in the right foot, simultaneously the left arm should swing up from the shoulder, with the shoulder relaxed, elbows dropped and wrist in line with the nose and at nose height.
Your focus should be on the side where the hip is being drawn in.
Relaxing Tai Chi Movements (4)
When pushing up:- your awareness should travel from the feet through the legs, hips,body, arms and finger tips. The body should be upright with the buttocks tucked in, arms stretch bacwards and shoulder joints open.
When relaxing down:- the feet relax the the hips relax, the body relaxes, the shoulders relax and the elbows drop.
The mental awareness flows from the head through the neck, then the body, hips, and legs into the bubbling well in the feet.Physically when the hips are in their sockets the mental awareness should flow into the feet. You should feel an increase of grounding in the feet.
When unfolding the upper body, the hips should remain in their sockets.
Relaxing Tai Chi Movements (5)
The body should remain upright at all times, with the hips and shoulders square to the facing direction.
Forward movement:-is generated by sending mental awareness down to the rear foot, compress the back leg generating an under and forward force, The front hip should remain relaxed in its socket. When the front knee is in line with the front toes, release the compression of the back leg.
Backward movement:- is initiated by relaxing of the hip of the rear leg. Let the awareness flow into the rear foot and feel the increase of grounding of the rear foot into the floor.
When drawing in and pushing out the front foot:- the back hip should remain relaxed in its socket at all times. The harmony of the posture should be maintained.